Breaking news: apparently, the second season of Nyan Koi has been given green light, and might be broadcasted somewhen in 2010. On other news...

Nyan Koi has ended. While the ending episode felt a bit rushed, and they nearly jumped the shark with the 'cliché-magical-girl-fighting-monsters' episode, I did not deslike Nyan Koi. Quite the opposite actually.
Nyan Koi! was a mostly average series, with awesomely done comedy at certain points. I loved the characters! Some might be a bit cliched, but most of them are really unique and fun to watch. The twins and Nagi definitely needed more screen time. =)
I liked the other shows of the season more than Nyan Koi, but it was fun. I don't think I will rewatch it, but I will wait anxiously for the second season. Maybe that one turns out better. ^^
On a completly unrelated note, Kaede and Junpei are cute with their love for each other. =)
"Otakus are basically islamic extremists that traded
religion by an unhealthy passion of anime and manga. Well, otakus don't blow up towers, so they're a bit different."