...Spriggs! The mute vehicle expert, owner of Specialist rank in the UNSC military, and the most misterious character of the cast. Like I said before, his relationship with Willy is most likely the wierdest, funnier relatinship in show. Mainly because it revolves around a single thing: Willy's hate of Spriggs. Willy hates, despises, and loathes Spriggs for some yet unidentified reason. No one really knows why Willy hates Spriggs, only that he's done so for as long as anyone can remember. Willy is prone to come up with wacky schemes to kill Spriggs usually involving high explosives, giant spinning blades of doom, odd violation of the laws of gravity, and several tons of delivery packages, oftenly making us wonder where he gets all that stuff, and just to fail and be run over by Spriggs' ATV in end. Anyone who watches the series will soon realize that as long as we can see Willy failing miserably at killing Spriggs (again) while #$@*ing everything up, it doesn't matter.
They are one of the funnier duos in entertainment since great classics such as Tom and Jerry. As a matter a fact, their relationship is very akin to famous cartoon duo many might remember from their childhood. The Roadrunner and the Coyote. Along the episodes, Willy's schemes get wackier, Spriggs' kill score increases, and the ammount of explosions and injuries on screen gets very, very big. It all accounts for an amazing time watching their wild antics. Words, however, aren't nearly enough to describe the awesomeness that they are. So why speak when you can just watch?
If you liked what you saw, follow the series on youtube(http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=E7ED63EF2BA8FB9A)
Or download the episodes from their site www.spriggshalo3.com
-SPRIGGS! COME BACK HERE AND DIE!" by Willy and Spriggs
nice post good information...really a good one