Humm, my first entry and I already feel like I'm getting bored. Go away short attention span, shoo, shoo!
Well, where was I? Ah, yes. Why am I here. Anyways... as i'm sure it's quite visible in the front page of my blog, I'm a bit of an odd person and I like anime. Among other things. I recently noticed the number of people that seem to have blogs for basically anything. Heck, I'm even the reader of another anime blog. And so I thought: Why not make one of my own? And here I am.
I'm going to cover many different anime in this blog over the time i expect it will last, share my opinion on them, and hope to know yours as well. But it's not just anime I'll be blogging. No sir, I'll also be writing entries about comics, movies, and games I'll go trough. I lacked a way to show my appreciation for anime and other forms of entertainment before creating this blog.
I hope to make this a fun blog for people to read and share opinions with me. =)
So, for starters, my opinion on two recent anime episodes i saw recently.
So, for starters, my opinion on two recent anime episodes i saw recently.
Pandora Hearts 22

Pandora Hearts is a very nice fantasy anime. Now the two aspects of this series that I appreciate the most are all the unique and special characters and the plot and its influences.
Pandora Hearts has many influences from Trough the Looking Glass and Alice in Wonderland. Not going to bother you with actual plot details, but it's interesting and seems well built. The characters all have their objectives, features and their unique quirks that make people either love or hate them. Though I only hate about 2 of them.
Pandora Hearts has many influences from Trough the Looking Glass and Alice in Wonderland. Not going to bother you with actual plot details, but it's interesting and seems well built. The characters all have their objectives, features and their unique quirks that make people either love or hate them. Though I only hate about 2 of them.
On the episode itself... Rejoice, for there is yet another flashback! Ok, we learn a rather shocking truth this episode. Not as shocking for those that had been putting the pieces together, but nonetheless, shocking. Alice and the wicked and senseless Will of the Abyss are supposely twins. I had been wondering something like this for quite some time, so it doesn't make me stupified. I was too busy harvesting my anger for Vincent to be stupified. And there are other questions that i'd like to see answered soon, but seems we wil have to wait to learn what did the Will of the Abyss ask Break to do, and how her and Alice are connected to Glen Baskerville.
As a side-note, the character exploration of Break in this episode and the last was done well, giving us a better insight of what goesn on in his mind, and how he became who he is now.
Kateikyoushi Hitman Reborn! 149

What can I say about KHR? It's funny, action packed and i love it! The series started on a much more comedic standing, but the plot naturally progressed and evolved using the existing setting to a very good action/drama/humor anime. It's impossible to hate any of the protagonists, though getting annoyed with them is a completly different thing. The characters are all unique, some silly, some sadist, some loyal, and some just straight crazy. In resume, a funny and very enjoyable cast is part of the best the series has to offer.
The villains are great, and the abilities and strenght of the characters get more awesome every new arc.

Talking about the current arc, it's the Arcobaleno Trial we've all been waiting for, Reborn's trial. To top things off it's a battle royal against all of the guardians. I couldn't take my eyes off screen after the part where Reborn beat our favorite always loved sadistic prefect, Hibari, with a single shot. Unfortunatly for our heroes, things go from bad to worse after that. the other guardians follow wight behind Hibari, falling one by one. With Tsuna ridden with self doubt if he can actually fight with the man (baby) with whom he has a bond that's even deeper than just student and teacher and reaches a level of trust and friendship, things are not looking good. Facing reality Tsuna eventually fights and outmanuvers Reborn. All that was left to win the trial was for Tsuna to land the final attack... which was stopped by Tsuna's own feelings that restrain him from hurting Reborn, despite recognizing that the fate of the world hanged in the balance. The episode ends with a bang, with Reborn finishing the fight with a single shot and coldly stating that Tsuna is not fit to be boss.
What I thought of this episode? It was very good. The hardcore fighting action was almost top-notch, with Reborn not even giving any of the guardians time to employ all of their techniques. To complement with Reborn's feelings in fighting against Tsuna, the episode shows his revolt, anger and the miryad of thoughts that crossed his mind when he was transformed into an arcobaleno and what it meant to him as a person. Despite me not being a big fan of fillers, I'm really enjoying this one, and the way it dwelves deeper into the Arcobaleno mistery.
That's all I have to say for today. Overall, i saw one one good episode, and one great episode. So, yeah, I'm actually quite happy right now. ^^
"Otakus are basically islamic extremists that traded religion for an unhealthy passion of anime and manga. Well, otakus don't blow up towers, so they're a bit different."
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